The module Order Administrations provides all functions to issue, release and receive orders, as well as to control and release their incoming invoices. All conditions which might need an order action can be handled in MROTRON® with just one view
- complete Order Administration including automatic Stock Level and Stock Value handling
- for spare parts, tooling, services, office supplies, etc.
- intensive data and status information exchange with modules Planning, Production and Invoicing
- automatic creation of order positions for planned material, parts and tooling requirements, stock level handling, removed parts, return material, etc.
- automatic. fillling of each-price, requested condition, order text, as set up or based on imported supplier data
- Scan Doc function during receiving process
- Requirement and Shelf Life handling
- automatic Sales Price calulation based on a wide range of setup Options
- Reimbursement and over-the-counter-sales functions
- freight cost allocation function
- automatic material reserve function
- automatic handling of minimum order quantities and packing units
- automatic currency rates and units change
- automatic account, tax code and tax rate assignment
- capable to trace every material movement and order steps via financial interface